
Significant Trees - Living Symbols of National and Cultural Identity

The main aim of the project application is a fulfilment of knowledge gap in the field of applied research of national and cultural identity related to significant trees as living herald of it in the landscape.

Partial targets include: typology of significant trees in the Czech Republic; identification of best practice cases based on significant trees as symbols of national and regional identity; research testing of up-to-date non-destructive methods of acoustic tomography and water potential to assessment of current state of significant trees (as a base for preparing a certified methodology for assessment of trees); software development entitled Register of significant trees in the Czech Republic incl. web and mobile applications; monographs aimed to joining of nonmaterial folk traditions with significant trees; continuous presentation of research results to wide audience in the frame of supporting of the perception of significant trees as symbols of national identity.

Project should also support a joining of monument conservation with nature conservation to systematic efforts aimed to sustainable management of significant trees in the frame of cultural heritage and local identity issues protection and management.